Figure 2. a. CT image after 0.4ml contrast in a 55-year-old woman with an epidural catheter tip in the posterior epidural space (arrow). Multiple air bubbles (black areas) are evident in the spinal canal and along the spinous process.
b. After 4ml further injection, contrast outlines the posterior epidural fat (F) and passes predominantly to the left of the dura (to the right in the image).
c. With an additional 10ml injection, contrast passes out both foramina, especially the left (large straight arrow), and also accumulates anterior to the dura. Air bubbles produce no impediment. Tethering of the posterior dura produces a fold (curved arrow). An epidural tissue membrane directs a layer of contrast (small arrow) along the outer aspect of the dural sac, distinct from the larger posterior collection. In these and all other images, anterior is towards the top of the figure and anatomic right is to the left in the figure.